Hi all! Sorry I haven't really responded to any comments in a couple of days. I have had and still have some issues to attend to around that house that haven't left time for much else. I wanted to take a moment to share this amazing nail treatment with you. On the Sally Beauty Supply website, the product description reads, "Seche RETAIN keeps nails strong and protected. It is more than just maintenance - it is continuing therapy to help keep nails long and beautiful." That is no lie. I have always had strong nails, but since using RETAIN, I have had significantly less breakage. It really feels like there is a thick, protective layer over my nails.
The Seche Perfect Nail line has RETAIN to keep healthy nails in good shape, REBUILD for weak or peeling nails, and RECONDITION to condition dry, brittle nails. If you have the June Sally's flyer with coupon, you can get any one of these Seche nail treatments for free with the purchase of two China Glaze polishes. Check it out!
Have you tried any of the Seche Perfect Nail products? What do you think of them?

Check out the other treats at Spot of Tea.