I have been looking for a great, petroleum and paraben-free hand lotion for years. I had given up and been using Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Aloe lotion, which smelled nice, left my hands feeling good, and was reasonably priced, but it contains both petroleum products and parabens.
About three months ago, when I most recently needed more hand lotion, I couldn't bring myself to buy the Gold Bond. I looked through the natural skincare aisle at the grocery store expecting to pay a bit more. Surprisingly, these JASON lotions cost less per ounce than the Gold Bond lotion (JASON lotions cost me a little less than $8 for an 8 oz tube) . I could not choose between the Natural E.F.A. lotion and the Softening Cocoa Butter lotion, so I brought them both home.
After three months, I love them both. The Natural E.F.A. lotion is a thick, white creamy texture. It has a slightly citrusy floral scent, more like smell of soap than flowers. The scent dissipates pretty quickly. The lotion leaves my hands just the slightest bit tacky for about two minutes after application and then my hands feel very smooth and well moisturised.
The Natural E.F.A. lotion contains both black current seed oil and evening primrose oil (EPO). Black current seed oil is reputed to increase skin's elasticity and EPO is high in antioxidants which help to protect the skin from environmental toxins.
The Softening Cocoa Butter lotion is the same texture, but it is beige. It has the typical cocoa butter lotion odor. This lotion feels a little tacky after application too, but it smooths a little bit faster than the Natural E.F.A. lotion. Cocoa Butter is know to absorb really quickly into skin, and like EPO, it has antioxidants that can help to protect skin. It is also a wonderful lubricant.
Both lotions have sunflower seed oil, which even in small amounts increases moisturizing and the skin's ability to ward off dryness. Avocado oil, in both lotions can be healing to both aging and sun damaged skin.
Like I said, I love both of these lotions. I only feel the need to reapply lotion after washing my hands with dish soap.
So, which one of these lotions sounds the most appealing to you? Have you tried either of these? What is your favorite hand creme?
Check out other bloggers' "treats" at Spot of Tea.

Finally, I'd like to take a moment to thank Puja of Cute nails for nominating me for the Sunshine Award. It was so very kind of you. It makes me feel wonderful to know that you enjoy reading my blog!
Take care.